Beautiful One Midwifery's

Community Membership

A personalized membership experience where the midwifery model of care seeps into to every stage of womanhood through alternative health solutions that empower every woman to live a life of abundant wellness.

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What is this community all about ?



Ongoing Support


  • Tap into our 2 signature courses on vaginal and menstrual cycle health, with additional ongoing teaching on the community’s most requested topics. Expect future classes on herbal tutorials, thyroid health, supporting a healthy metabolism and collaborating with multiple health professionals.


  • Utilize a growing library of women’s wellness protocols and guides arranged by topic that allow you to jump straight into action on your most prominent health concerns. Enjoy consuming over 55 pieces of informational content (as of March 2023), plus the framework for personalized progress tracking and consistency.


  • Monthly group calls to get specified support, ask questions directly, and set and review personalized goals. Community members also enjoy discounted 1:1 midwifery consultations.


And best of all...


  • You'll have access to a membership experience designed to flourish you in every aspect of wellness so that your cup overflows onto the ones around you who need you most.


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Who We Are 

We are Kelly + Tiffany. Your homebirth midwife duo, natural health advocates and fierce lovers of the family and all things home. We are passionate about alternative care that puts control rightfully back into the hands of women. We work with busy moms who are looking for a personalized approach to their holistic health so that they can show up better for their own families with more energy and infectious joy. We provide the integrative knowledge, natural resources and sisterly inspiration for women to own their health journeys. We know from serving hundreds of women over the past 12 years as holistic care providers that healthy women make happy families. We’ve learned that teaching a more simplified approach to female wellness creates space for moms to not only get relief from life-interrupting symptoms, but empowerment to respond to future challenges with confidence. You are already qualified to be an expert in your own health, we want to place the tools on your path that will make the most of your desire for greater balance inside and out.

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Our Foundations of Health 


  • Women are more than capable of taking the reins of their own health, when they have the right support.


  • Women are not not broken, their bodies are simply begging to be taken out of the system that neglects and dismisses her as a whole person in need of a holistic approach to health. 


  • Female bodies are innately wise, designed to heal themselves and function optimally when we learn to listen and give them what they need.

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It is Worth the Wait!

Your patience will pay off, lady! Our membership is currently growing and flourishing, and you will get to reap the benefits of that growth soon enough! We look forward to keeping you updated with Community Membership information, including when this incredible experience can be yours for the taking, too! 

Join Our Waitlist Now

Stay in-the-know on all the details, including our upcoming launches!